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Reclamation: an opinion by I Made Andi Arsana
Borders in a Borderless ASEAN | I Made Andi Arsana
I don't give a damn, what you think you are entitled to!
Borders in a Borderless World | I Made Andi Arsana | TEDxUGM
Tiongkok Caplok Natuna?
People Smuggling
Animating a speech
“Laut Sebagai Masa Depan Bangsa | I Made Andi Arsana, ST, ME, Ph.D
Climate Change Impact: The Sinking of Sovereignty and Sovereign Rights
Geopatial Distancing: Cegah Penyebaran Covid-19 dengan Diam di Rumah!
Menyingkap Rahasia di Balik Jurnal Predator bersama Dr. Sunu Wibirama - Part 2
Geodesi mengukur batas wilayah Natuna?(Dagelan bareng Dr. I Made Andi Arsana)